Illustration by Helen McFall, taken from a large theatre backdrop designed, made and painted for the play, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, (Autumn 2011)
Happy Learner
Mrs Helen S. McFall BA Hons, QTS, NASENCO PGCert
I work collaborately with children and young people, parents, carers, schools, local authorites, alternative provisions and agencies, to provide one to one and small group accessible learning opportunities. With over fifteen years educational sector experience across all phases, I believe in maintaining a positive mindset and building partnerships with purpose. As a qualified SENCo I use the 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' model to target areas of need and gaps in knowledge, skills and understanding. I maintain high expectiatons, no matter what the barriers may be. With a background in the arts, publishing, and animation, I choose creative aswell as well-founded interventions and teaching stategies, and make communication central to partnership. My ongoing Art Therapy course adds further therapeutic value to my offer. I’m committed to listening to the learner's voice and to empowering children and young people to set and meet their own goals. In a rapidly changing educational landscape, mentoring and training are key to upskilling teams - I really enjoy sharing best practise and offer bespoke packages for twilight or CPD purposes. Contact me today for an initial consultation around your needs, and how we might work together for a better outcome.
Happy Learner is Insured with Policy Bee. CPD around Safeguarding is reviewed and updated annually. DBS Certificate
Happy Learner is committed to CPD and undertakes relevant professional training annually.